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    Freeform Made — Point of Sale

    How To Choose The Best iPad Stand For Your Business

    Chemex with a record and coffee cup

    With over 80 million iPad users in the United States alone, it's safe to say that this device is only getting more and more popular.

    The so-called "iPad Generation is obsessed with all things digital, demands convenience, and is always looking for ways to make their lives easier.

    That's why they love what an iPad stand does for them.

    But an iPad stand isn't just for personal use - you can also use one to help grow your business, make things easier for your employees, and ensure nothing gets broken!

    They're especially convenient for Point Of Sale and Purchase areas, so your customers can get through a faster checkout or spend time learning more about your products with information on an iPad.

    Keep reading to learn about how you can choose the top iPad stand for your business.

    Consider Your Customer

    When you're choosing the perfect stand for your business, your customer should be the first thing you think about.

    What is your stand doing to make their shopping experience better? More pleasant? More comfortable?

    Choose a stand that can rotate towards and away from your customer, and one that they can easily access even from across a counter.

    Also, be sure to take into consideration the height of your overall stand. Get one that, even while sitting on top of a counter, can be pulled up and adjusted according to the customer's height.

    Consider Your Branding

    When choosing the right stand, you need to go with one that's consistent with the overall look and message of your branding.

    Even if your business isn't exactly tech-friendly, there are still ways to incorporate technology into your services without muddling the message of your brand.

    For example, if you're a natural health store, you might consider a wooden stand for your registers. That way, you're combining the convenience of a better and faster shopping experience with the branding of your company.

    Consider Your Registers

    Anything you can do to get your customers through the checkout line faster, or even to entertain them and educate them about additional products while they wait, is always a great idea.

    Choose a stand that will make your line go faster - with options like a magnetic base to ensure that the iPads will easily stick onto surfaces.

    Ready To Pick Up An iPad Stand?

    Now that you know how to choose the best stand for your business, let's get one in your shopping cart today!

    Whether you're buying for yourself or your employees, we think our iPad stands are some of the best - not to mention the coolest - on the market!

    Not only are our stands elegantly crafted from wood, but they also offer all the design integrity and assistance of top-quality stands made from other materials.

    Use them in your business' Points of Sale, smaller kiosks, and more. They even come with wireless card readers, headphone jacks, and cutouts for cameras for added convenience!

    We offer a wide variety of stands perfect for any business. What are you waiting for? Pick up some today, and see the difference they'll make in your stores and offices.

    The Benefits Of Using iPad Stands For Your Business

    Busy restaurant

    iPads and other tablets have completely revolutionized how businesses do everyday tasks. Beyond the fact that mobile technology now allows a business to conveniently sell to most customers, this technology has also made it easier to handle everyday logistics and sales matters.

    One of the clearest examples of this has been the tablet point of sale. Things like an iPad POS has made the traditional cash register almost obsolete. The iPad provides a unique number of benefits and options to businesses including inventory management, instant and easy payment service, and general mobility.

    Many businesses have opted to use an iPad stand to complete their POS location. If you haven't discovered the wonders of doing business with your own stand, here are a few benefits to think about.

    iPad Point Of Sale

    Various typical iPad POS setups include a tablet, stand, and simplified cash register that replicates all the basic functions of the old school variety. This setup allows businesses to work with customers during the purchase process.

    The popularity of mobile POS setups continues to rise, which makes using a stand all the more important. Since iPads and other tablets are small, mobile devices, they present a potential security risk for a business if you don't take some necessary steps.

    Benefits Of An iPad Stand

    One of the most important aspects about an iPad stand is that it secures the device to a specific location. It's a lot more difficult to steal an entire stand, especially if it's made of wood or heavy metal than to steal the device alone.

    More than that, it provides a stable platform for employees to work with. Holding an iPad or working with it on a flat surface can become tiring over time. A stand holds the device in an ergonomic and visible position for employees to work with throughout a typical shift.

    An iPad stand will also create a sense of professionalism within the business space. Since customers are used to seeing traditional cash registers and other POS components, the stand replicates that look in a more modern and streamlined way.

    Finally, many of these stands come in many shapes and sizes. This means they are perfect for adding to the overall decor of the retail or business space. Whether you prefer a modern look or something more traditional, you can often find a style that matches your general theme.

    Finding The Right Stand

    The iPad stand is a great way to update your existing POS using mobile technology while offering a similar look to the typical cash register. Finding the right stand is a matter of researching what's available. Many manufacturers exist and will offer different styles, sizes, and features.

    Take your time and think about what you need most out of a stand. If you find the right one, you will do yourself and the rest of your business a favor.

    If you want to go with a trustworthy and experienced company, check out our offerings. We offer a great line of stands that can fit any range of styles and entrepreneurial needs. For more information and help, feel free to get in touch with us.

    How to choose the best iPad stand for your POS system

    iPad mini tablet POS

    It seems as though businesses everywhere are using iPads and other tablets as Point of Sale (POS) systems. This popularity is only increasing.

    As POS systems continue to do far more than just sell products, it's likely that you've given thought to how to improve your own.

    So what's the best place to start?

    By investing in elegant and high-quality POS stands.

    Read on to find out what you need to know in order to ensure you're getting the best stands possible.

    1. Can POS Stands Help Increase Transaction Speed?

    Any POS stands that you purchase need to definitely make transactions easier and quicker for your customers.

    Your customer needs to use the stand to be able to get the information they need about a product -- making them much more likely to buy it.

    This can mean features like the ability to swivel between customer and cashier. It can also mean that the stand will help to lift your tablet off the counter/table, making it easier for customers to reach it comfortably.

    For example, a Kiosk Stand is easy for customers to locate, intuitive to use, and helps you to cut down on line length at your more traditional registers.

    2. Will It Keep Your Tablet Secure?

    Data security is an enormous consideration for all businesses today. This security is key, since your iPads store incredible amounts of private customer data.

    The last thing in the world you want is for that data to be compromised.

    When you're purchasing a stand for your POS system, you need to ensure you've found an option that keeps your iPad secure.

    A quality stand will have cutouts for cameras, screens, and other features -- but will also lock in the iPad.

    3. Can They Stand Up To Your Everyday Traffic?

    When your store is getting more traffic business, you'll need to be especially picky when it comes to finding stands you can rely on. Think about everything your POS systems go through in a day. They're turned around, touched, jostled, and handled by potentially hundreds of people?

    Think about everything your POS systems go through in a day. They're turned around, touched, jostled, and handled by potentially hundreds of people.

    Can your stand, well, withstand, that kind of contact and wear and tear? Most importantly, can it protect your iPad or tablet in the process?

    Never purchase an iPad stand until you're confident about this answer.

    4. Buy POS Stands From Experienced Companies

    Experience is the best teacher, so only do business with companies that are proven.

    This is especially true when you're looking for a reliable vendor and designer of POS stands.

    An experienced POS stand company will offer you a variety of different stands and styles, so you can find exactly the right fit for your business.

    The Choice Is Clear

    When you need stellar, durable, quality iPad stands, this is where we thrive.

    Isn't it time you took your customer service to the next level?

    Spend some time on our online shop to see the wide range of secure, sleek, and functional stands we offer.